Nigeria's Fastest Growing Agriculture Platform

(+234) 7018231992

Our Process

We have built a sustainable business process for smooth project execution and superior service delivery. Our process was carefully developed to create a seamless transition for both our farmers and sponsors.

Sign Up

Follow this link to sign up on with your details, and immediately your personal dashboard would be setup.

Select Farm

Select a farm or farms and the units you want to sponsor. You will be directed to the checkout page to complete your transaction.

Receive Farm Updates

Once you sponsor a farm, you receive multimedia farm updates bi-monthly to keep you informed on all operations on the farm throughout the farm cycle. You can also request to go on farm visits so as to physically see how the farms are doing.

Return After Sponsorship

At the end of the farm cycle, Farm Sponsors will be paid their initial sponsorship and the return on their sponsorship.

Farm Process


We carry out due diligence on the farmers through their local association and authorities. We do this to ensure that we work with diligent and experienced farmers.

Soil Classification

It is extremely important for us to know the soil type before going into cultivation. We ensure our farms’ soil are tested to meet our farming specification.

Farm Inputs

We then provide our farmers with mechanized tools, high yield seeds, training on smart-farming techniques and farm specialists are assigned to work with them.


We establish the market for the farmers through our relationship with off-takers to buy directly from them . This helps them focus solely on farming and earn more profits.

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